Posted by: rexsorza | May 17, 2006

Tikyaism for rxljhnsrz

Time moves on without any reason or excuses. It brings off many experiences that sometimes the consciousness grasps hard for its meaning and its purpose. As we tread on the thin ice of uncertainties and despair, there lies the passion for the journey towards happiness and truth. It is unimaginable to let go of the "what if's" without trying its possibility to bloom, and there is without any doubt, however, that the world is offering each one of us the chance to feel and embrace anything that life has to offer.
We stand proud and weak at the same time. But it is far beyond our reach to just fall into the abyss of nothingness. We may be visitors of this void, but this won't last long. We are born to fall and to stand up. With grace and with much acceptance of life's realizations to just let go…and live.
-Tikyaism for rxljhnsrz

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